Treasury Submission

As indicated in my last post, the Australian Treasury is seeking submissions on priorities for updating Australia’s tax treaty network. Fix the Tax Treaty! has made a submission. This post explains what you can do to help.

Now that we have finalised our submission, it’s time for you to add your voice to the demand for an updated tax treaty. Here’s what you can do:

  • Make your own submission to Treasury (the deadline is 31 October). You can attach our submission as an appendix and voice your support for our proposed solutions. In writing your submission follow the submission guidelines and be aware that submissions may be made public.
  • Write to your Member of Parliament. Attach your submission (if you made one) and ours. Include your personal story and let your MP know how important this is to you. Tell them that Australia should be advocating for its own citizens and residents by reforming the Australia-US tax treaty.
  • If you do make a submission or write your MP, consider letting us know or even sending us a copy ( It will help our future strategy to know how much support we have and which MPs have been contacted.

Thank you to everyone who commented on our draft on Facebook. Your help was invaluable.

You can download our submission here.

8 thoughts on “Treasury Submission”

  1. To help shift this matter out of the ‘too hard basket’ (trust me, this can definitely be an issue for public servants!), it might also be helpful for personal submissions to stress that addressing the issues in this treaty is financially important (for thousands of individuals and for Australia) and is achievable. (Accurate figures on the number of US citizens in Australia are hard to find, but estimates are around 300 000 or possibly more.)

  2. Karen,
    Has anyone done any research on Federal Members/Senators who have an American spouse or green card history? In case you are not aware, one such is Andew Leigh, Shadow Minister for Competition and Productivity, Trade In Services, Charities & Not-for-Profits. He went to Boston and came back with a Harvard Phd and an American wife. Depending on the result of the next election and ministerial postings, he might be a prize politician to lobby. When I spoke with him a couple of years ago, he didn’t seem too concerned about whether his wife would be hit with US taxes, but i asked him to think about her superannuation. I don’t know whether he did, but he should receive a copy of the Treasury submission. Given Boris Johnson’s experience, he might have an unwelcome surprise if ever he were to sell her half of their house. Sen Keneally would no longer have US citizenship, but she also may take an interest.

  3. Thank you for this submission Karen & co. this was a lot of work but very needed. Do we actually expect a response from this? If yes when do we expect it?

    1. We don’t anticipate a direct response. IMO, the best thing we can do is to raise this with your individual MP’s by sending them the submission and perhaps a few personal details on why you think the Australian – US tax treaty.

      1. Yes I did and I am so excited about it!

        I have actually posted a comment before joining regarding if ATO will tax my social security and pension benefits after moving back to Australia. Wondering if you can still see it and really anxious to see your reply.

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