FEIE vs FTC – The Basics

This morning I participated in two short podcasts hosted by John Richardson covering the basics of the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion (FEIE) and Foreign Tax Credit (FTC). Keith Redmond, Laura Snyder and Suzanne Herman also participated.

We discussed persistent myth that these two US tax provisions “fix” the problems that arise due to the US practice of taxing the residents of other countries under the fiction that all US citizens are US tax residents.

Each of these podcasts is a short 15-minute introduction to the complexities surrounding US tax compliance for non-resident US citizens.

Edited to add:

Here’s the third podcast we recorded today – it discusses more of the interplay between US tax and your local tax system.

To renounce or retain US citizenship?

Several of us participated in a conversation today about the issues that must be considered when deciding how to deal with the extraterritorial impact of US citizenship based taxation. For those who are just realising that the US requires ALL citizens to comply with US tax obligations, we discussed the various considerations that come into play when deciding how (or whether) to comply. We also discussed the issues that must be considered when deciding whether it is time to renounce US citizenship. As with many momentous life decisions, there is no one-size-fits-all prescription – US citizenship and tax compliance are individual decisions that will depend on personal circumstances, country of residence, future plans, and personal temperament.

The conversation, hosted by John Richardson, included Keith Redmond, Laura Snyder, David Johnstone and Karen Alpert. It is available here: